September 2021 — COVID and Climate; equally important

The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its latest report in August; While global climate urgency has taken a back seat to pandemic response, global warming in excess of 2°C is still a stark threat in front of us all. Deep reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions remain the only workable mitigation. Whitehorse is not a Council that has declared a ‘climate emergency’. I’m less focussed on whether we should, and more focussed on our local climate action. This means electricity from renewables, solar capture, environmentally sustainable design, and much more – all towards net zero Council emissions. When I contribute in the Council Chamber, I am always voting as if climate emergency were declared.

It will become normal that an environmentally responsible lens is applied to every piece of strategy, policy, planning and other decision making.

Consider the two biggest shopping centres in Eley Ward. Burwood Brickworks has become the first retail centre to achieve the global Living Building Challenge certification.  Burwood One has had further development (western end) approved by August Council, including things like Green Star design for energy and water, and diverting at least 80% of construction waste from landfill.  Importantly, Whitehorse is one of 29 Councils currently in a collaborative research project aiming to further elevate environmentally sustainable targets for new development.

COVID continues to be the front seat disruption to our lives. I am conscious that vaccinations are not easily accessible for all close to Eley. I commend Council staff for continued efforts to increase the offering and scale of vaccination in Whitehorse; watch websites for expanded opportunity. And, a shout out to Blackburn Clinic where I’ve now been fully vaccinated.