May 2023 — Standing on the Shoulders of Centenarians

At the end of March, two Eley Ward residents were honoured with a joint 100th birthday party at Barrina Gardens Village in Blackburn South. It was a deep delight to attend, and to consider the incredible contribution to family, community and country represented by these long lives being so well lived.  Isaac Newton reportedly once said that we see further by standing on the shoulders of giants. Collectively, we in Whitehorse have a wonderful view because we stand on the shoulders of centenarians like Jim and like Trudy (yes, another Trudy).

Jim is a life-long Melbournian, married to Beryl for 72 years and counting. He was a radio signaller in WWII, and played a significant role in the Pacific theatre. Jim lost 2 older brothers in the conflict, and remembered them still at his 100th.  Jim addressed his birthday party in word and song, and there were few dry eyes.

The oldest of 13 siblings, Trudy lost her dairy farm home in The Netherlands during WWII and migrated to Australia after the war. She lost her husband John to cancer, and did much of her parenting as a single mum. Trudy wrote two books after turning 70 and keeps a twinkle in her eye that none can miss.

Each of Trudy and Jim have had 4 children, more grandchildren and even great grandchildren.

Whilst the challenges of later life are prevalent, I am reminded that there is resilience, humour and good will abounding. A huge call out to the Barrina Gardens community who sustain these in great measure.