July 2023 — Our Power to drive change through Volunteering

I continue to reflect on National Volunteer week, held annually in May.  Our Whitehorse Manningham Libraries have a backbone of 144 volunteers. Some of this cohort were able to celebrate with us at a Volunteer Week gathering at Vermont South Library; all are change agents supporting our libraries to provide safe and non-judgemental spaces of free access to services, programs, technology, social interaction and inclusion.

Recognition is a really important means of nourishing the desire to stay engaged. On 15 May, we recognised service ranging between 5 and 15 years. Contributions include Conversation Buddies/Conversation Circles, the Home Library Service, Story Circle in Aged Care communities, and more. These programs could not run without volunteers, who hold both the work and the warm welcome that goes with it. These contributions are in themselves a diplomacy that deepens our collective sense of community place and belonging.

I got reacquainted with my inner slow pace reading for the 2023 National Simultaneous Storytime, also in May; featuring The Speedy Sloth by Rebecca Young. Story-times are fantastically communal, and together we are expanding them. Have a look at the story-time offering at the Whitehorse Churches Care Community Hub at Forest Hill Chase. And, in Eley Ward, check out the new story-time being provided by Whitehorse Manningham Libraries at Burwood Brickworks, upper level, one Monday a month, 10.30 to 11.15 am (24 July, 28 August, and more).