July 2024 — The future focus sweet spot

Eley Park’s multi court project has reached its final stage – new surrounding landscaping. We’ve added shade trees, more screening vegetation and taken the chance to expand a bit of the Park’s bushland. It will take a while to ‘grow up’, yet it is making a future that will be better for everyone compared to having the multi court…

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May 2024 — Big Conversation and Big Planning matters

Significant consultation conversations have been occurring in Eley Ward. I joined a pop up outside Burwood Brickworks shopping centre in early April to ask locals (residents and other Whitehorse participants) what they think Whitehorse should prioritise in the next 4 years. This is about considering together what the next Council Plan 2025-2029 should drive to encourage and achieve. The…

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March 2024 — Paying attention to what 2024 may bring

McCrindle Research has released their top 8 expected 2024 trends (https://mccrindle.com.au/article/the-trends-of-2024/). Looking at trends is a helpful way to anticipate what we need to keep adjusting to. However, no future trend is inevitable. We can impact trends if we actively pay attention to them. One important trend is the demand that we focus on the ‘real environment’ in 2024;…

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January 2024 — We are all Neighbours

2024 is abounding with opportunity for community connection and social inclusion. A fantastic springboard occurred in December, at Eley Ward’s Blackburn English Language School, with a Multicultural Festival through the Community Building Program of the Whitehorse Baha’i Community. The program runs fantastic and free classes on Sunday afternoons at the School, and in other Whitehorse locations including some of…

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November 2023 — Things to call out in Eley

A big shout out to the new dog off-lead area in our Ward at Eley Park. If you visit the Park, off Eley Road, walking north through the car park you head past the fenced main oval and come to the large rectangular open area. This off-lead area can also be accessed from Lana Street to the west or…

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September 2023 — Opportunity abounding in Eley

I’m seeing innovation and collaboration in many spaces in our Eley Ward. The challenge then becomes to spread the word and enable everyone to hear about what will interest them most. The rooftop at Burwood Brickworks has come back to life through the well supported tenancy of Cultivating Community. Until the end of 2023, Cultivating Community is hosting free…

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July 2023 — Our Power to drive change through Volunteering

I continue to reflect on National Volunteer week, held annually in May.  Our Whitehorse Manningham Libraries have a backbone of 144 volunteers. Some of this cohort were able to celebrate with us at a Volunteer Week gathering at Vermont South Library; all are change agents supporting our libraries to provide safe and non-judgemental spaces of free access to services,…

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May 2023 — Standing on the Shoulders of Centenarians

At the end of March, two Eley Ward residents were honoured with a joint 100th birthday party at Barrina Gardens Village in Blackburn South. It was a deep delight to attend, and to consider the incredible contribution to family, community and country represented by these long lives being so well lived.  Isaac Newton reportedly once said that we see…

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March 2023 — The Trends that will matter most

In the midst of everyone feeling more uncertain about the future of the planet, of people and of prospects of profit ($$$ and non-financial gains), McCrindle Research has released their expected top trends for 2023. For a snapshot visit https://mccrindle.com.au/resource/infographic/trends-of-2023-infographic/. One trend is about the consequences of the continuing decline in trust – trust in each other/media/governments/institutions. Distrust means…

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January 2023 — Supporting community resilience

I’d like to pause as we begin a new year to acknowledge the Whitehorse State Emergency Service; one of the largest and busiest SES teams in Victoria. In the past 3 years, our unit has logged over 30,000 hours of response to community need. The true impact would be closer to 45,000 hours if you consider time spent in…

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