Councillor Column

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July 2024 — The future focus sweet spot

Eley Park’s multi court project has reached its final stage – new surrounding landscaping. We’ve added shade trees, more screening vegetation and taken the chance to expand a bit of the Park’s bushland ...

May 2024 — Big Conversation and Big Planning matters

Significant consultation conversations have been occurring in Eley Ward. I joined a pop up outside Burwood Brickworks shopping centre in early April to ask locals (residents and other Whitehorse participants) what they think ...

March 2024 — Paying attention to what 2024 may bring

McCrindle Research has released their top 8 expected 2024 trends ( Looking at trends is a helpful way to anticipate what we need to keep adjusting to. However, no future trend is inevitable ...

January 2024 — We are all Neighbours

2024 is abounding with opportunity for community connection and social inclusion. A fantastic springboard occurred in December, at Eley Ward’s Blackburn English Language School, with a Multicultural Festival through the Community Building Program ...

November 2023 — Things to call out in Eley

A big shout out to the new dog off-lead area in our Ward at Eley Park. If you visit the Park, off Eley Road, walking north through the car park you head past ...

September 2023 — Opportunity abounding in Eley

I’m seeing innovation and collaboration in many spaces in our Eley Ward. The challenge then becomes to spread the word and enable everyone to hear about what will interest them most. The rooftop ...

July 2023 — Our Power to drive change through Volunteering

I continue to reflect on National Volunteer week, held annually in May.  Our Whitehorse Manningham Libraries have a backbone of 144 volunteers. Some of this cohort were able to celebrate with us at ...

May 2023 — Standing on the Shoulders of Centenarians

At the end of March, two Eley Ward residents were honoured with a joint 100th birthday party at Barrina Gardens Village in Blackburn South. It was a deep delight to attend, and to ...

March 2023 — The Trends that will matter most

In the midst of everyone feeling more uncertain about the future of the planet, of people and of prospects of profit ($$$ and non-financial gains), McCrindle Research has released their expected top trends ...

January 2023 — Supporting community resilience

I’d like to pause as we begin a new year to acknowledge the Whitehorse State Emergency Service; one of the largest and busiest SES teams in Victoria. In the past 3 years, our ...

November 2022 — Recognition and Belonging

While the level of challenge around us does not lessen, it’s been a year for remembering that connecting and celebrating people is powerful. We’ve had 10 Whitehorse Citizenship Ceremonies for 2022, each one ...

September 2022 — Inclusion and Opportunity

Amidst the mounting challenges all communities face, there is no more powerful opportunity than the motivation, identity and belonging created by real inclusion. Real inclusion is about sitting alongside difference, instead of buffering ...

July 2022 — Sometimes steps back, always steps forward

Amendment to the Burwood Brickworks Development Plan was debated and agreed by Council on 14 June. That amendment relates to the removal of widely preferred storm water treatment measures that would have benefitted ...

May 2022 — Good governance opportunity abounds

I give significant attention to being Library Board Chair for the Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Corporation (WML). Regional Library Corporations can’t continue after 2030, due to changes to the Local Government Act.  In ...

March 2022 — The human stories behind the trends

Like so many others in our community, my family and I have now experienced COVID. We were very grateful we didn’t need hospital, yet we struggled with the supposedly ‘mild’ symptoms. Many of ...

January 2022 — A new year of engagement; be in it

2022 is a fresh opportunity to seize moments of community connection and feedback, adapting always to whatever the pandemic is presenting. In 2021, Council adopted a Community Engagement Policy, setting the big picture ...

November 2021 — One year on

Exactly 12 months ago, I was declared elected for Eley Ward and started my first stint of any kind of public office. I am deeply grateful for the faith a majority of Eley ...

September 2021 — COVID and Climate; equally important

The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its latest report in August; While global climate urgency has taken a back seat to pandemic response, global warming in excess of 2°C ...

July 2021 — Adaptive thinking in governance everywhere

The National Simultaneous Story time in May took us out of this world. I had the delight of reading for Whitehorse’s contribution to the collective voicing of Philip Bunting’s Give Me Some Space!  ...