July 2024 — The future focus sweet spot

Eley Park’s multi court project has reached its final stage – new surrounding landscaping.

We’ve added shade trees, more screening vegetation and taken the chance to expand a bit of the Park’s bushland. It will take a while to ‘grow up’, yet it is making a future that will be better for everyone compared to having the multi court build stand alone. Every infrastructure piece needs its greening element if we are to develop responsibly.

Making a sustainable future is all about focussing on the right things.

We can all contribute to keeping our best attention in the green sweet spot. That places us at the intersection between things that really matter, and, things that local government can actually control and/or influence. It’s tempting to be in the amber, which might be easier things, or bring more short-term gain only. And politics can take us into space that neither matters most nor is within control or meaningful influence.

I’d like to think that we can be in the green more often.

Current green zone efforts include Eley Ward’s Wurundjeri Walk corridor Masterplan, and, on the broadest scale, submissions to Plan Victoria that seek to balance more housing with more climate resilience. It is our collective wellbeing, which draws on liveability, that matters most.