March 2023 — The Trends that will matter most

In the midst of everyone feeling more uncertain about the future of the planet, of people and of prospects of profit ($$$ and non-financial gains), McCrindle Research has released their expected top trends for 2023. For a snapshot visit

One trend is about the consequences of the continuing decline in trust – trust in each other/media/governments/institutions.

Distrust means that our news, our ‘truth’ if you like, comes from an ever greater variety of sources. We then find more divergent views abounding, and it’s very hard for a singular message, even a message that’s very important for a community to hear, to cut through the increasing ‘noise’. Democracy is built for a diverse community, thankfully, but our communication tools are not.

I’m committed to trying to find better and simpler ways to both listen and to communicate what most needs to be said and heard as Council seeks to serve the Whitehorse community in 2023’s picture and beyond.

A positive future, that I believe in, rests in being relevant to what people are actually experiencing, carried with the kind of integrity that re-forms trust. It also rests in being innovative. This means opening up our minds to different possibilities than we have leaned into in the past.

Welcome additional funding from the State Government to support hands-on digital training programs for seniors was announced late February. Your Whitehorse Manningham Libraries are a recipient! This is part of the needed communications transformation in which we are all participants.  Watch for what’s on at your local branch across 2023.