November 2022 — Recognition and Belonging

While the level of challenge around us does not lessen, it’s been a year for remembering that connecting and celebrating people is powerful. We’ve had 10 Whitehorse Citizenship Ceremonies for 2022, each one a marvellous occasion at a very full Box Hill Town Hall. Over 1,500 new Australian citizens have been welcomed, celebrating both their journey and what lies ahead for them.

A fabulous final workshop in the Whitehorse Interfaith Network’s Inclusive Narratives Project took place in October. We were also able to applaud WIN’s ‘Power of Peace’ Award, granted through the Centre of Melbourne Multi-faith and Others Network, as part of the United Nations International Peace Day 2022 celebrations. The Award recognises continued efforts to spread peace and harmony in Whitehorse.

There is incredible life and activity in Eley Ward this Spring. A huge shout out to the St Luke’s Blackburn South highly engaging 60th Anniversary Mass and Fete, with Parish and Primary School celebrating enduring legacy alongside all of the energy of a continuously learning community.

Recognition is how we know we belong

For all photos relating to this column, please view the Whitehorse News directly in the link provided.