November 2023 — Things to call out in Eley

A big shout out to the new dog off-lead area in our Ward at Eley Park. If you visit the Park, off Eley Road, walking north through the car park you head past the fenced main oval and come to the large rectangular open area. This off-lead area can also be accessed from Lana Street to the west or Sylvia Street to the east.

Council does ask residents who walk dogs in nearby Wurundjeri Walk/Orchard Grove Reserve areas to do one of two things. Either keep your dog always on lead, or take the short walk to Eley Park for this new off-lead option. And rediscover the Holland Gully dog off-lead path on the south side of Eley Road as well. All of this gives dog owners more options, and offers our significant bushland corridors more protection. My plea remains that if there is no off-lead sign, then dogs are kept on lead at all times. If the community can do this, Council can continue to consider off-lead expansion.

And for a happy birthday shout out… Congratulations to the Indo Chinese Elderly Association for reaching its 39th anniversary of providing strong community connectedness across the Eastern region.

I loved being with the 300 strong membership to celebrate on 14 October at the Blackburn South Hall used for their many activities. The Association promotes a healthy body and mind, which was very evident in a showcase of dancing at this special celebration.