September 2022 — Inclusion and Opportunity

Amidst the mounting challenges all communities face, there is no more powerful opportunity than the motivation, identity and belonging created by real inclusion. Real inclusion is about sitting alongside difference, instead of buffering ourselves by only being surrounded by what looks, thinks, believes, and talks, ‘like me’.

I’m delighted to be part of the Whitehorse Interfaith Network (WIN) Inclusive Narratives conversation.  These community dialogues are about ways to inclusively connect regarding faith and culture; and they are for everyone.  An opening forum at the end of August 2022 discussed what it is like to come together again in learning to live with the pandemic. What’s still to come is “How Social Media is Shaping Whitehorse”, via Zoom, on Wednesday 21 September, 7 to 8.30 pm, and “Evolving Together as a Culturally Diverse Community”, Wednesday 19 October, 6 to 7.30 pm at the Box Hill Town Hall. Enquiries and RSVP to

WIN is an extraordinary collective of very diverse faith and life story. The ability of the WIN member groups to meaningfully connect across such wide difference is an outstanding role model. I encourage all to consider engaging with the Inclusion Forums, and with WIN. The conversations in September and October will be listening exercises to discuss the place of social media in our connectedness, and, generally, how we all play a part in growing authentic inclusion, social justice and community driven harmony.

And a huge shout out to Peach, the latest corner milk-bar to Café transformation in Whitehorse, cnr Holland and Fulton Roads, Blackburn South. A wonderful place for lots more community connection!